Saturday, January 21, 2012

Running Away

Running three miles doesn't sound like much, but it's pretty far for 10-year-old legs. These girls ran it strong, and they ran the whole way, never stopping to walk. Meap told me throughout the entire race that I was going too fast, but when we turned the corner and saw the finish line, she and her friend took off like they were on fire--it was all I could do to keep up.

While we ran I kept telling them how proud I was of them, but that doesn't even cover it--I was bursting. I hope they always try harder than they think they can and finish strong, and I hope they make themselves proud.
I think this one definitely felt some pride--this was a self-portrait on the way home. Way to go, Meap!


carlinbrooks said...

I'm proud of both of you.



Anonymous said...

good for you girls; giving it all you've got and then some is the best way to live!!! what joy in achieving more than you think you can.
Proud, Baba