Guess so. Does that mean I have to wear high-waisted jeans and drive a Suburban?

Number One deemed herself "Soccer Sister," and made sure she brought extra water for her little sis. She also brought along her soccer-playing Groovy Girl doll for good luck.
Special had her first game Saturday, and we think they won--hard to know when we don't keep score--but Special scored two goals! Pretty good for a kid who'd never played before. Most of Batman's coaching involved yelling things like, "Kick it toward the goal, not toward your parents!" and "Go the other way! The other way!" One little boy is already well-versed in the professional soccer tradition of crying over minor injuries, and another little fellow on the other team tried to start a fight, but other than that it was a great game.

Look at you people. It was 25 degrees here this morning and Number One is sunning herself like a gila monster.
I love you all.
I do think it's official, LAR! You ARE a soccer mom. :-)
She looks like she's having a good time, is she having fun, yet??
Love The Blog. I Will be back.
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