School is going well for the girls. Special has the same teacher as last year (and they adore each other), and Number One has the nicest, kindest teacher ever--I want to pick him up and squeeze him, but he's about a foot taller than me. Both girls enjoy school, although Special is a little bored with first grade. I think she really hoped they'd get into calculus or algebra this year--all this counting business is beneath her.

On her birthday (she's TEN!), Number One took brownies to share with her class, and that weekend GrandBob took us to Logan's ("it's a roadhouse", she said) to celebrate. GrandMom & GrandBob gave her a gift card, and I think it was the most exciting of all her gifts. She kept saying, "I got a debit card!"

I took her shopping yesterday to spend it, and it was so fun to watch her choose what she wanted. When I was ten, my dad described me as being at that age where I'd tear my pantyhose going down the slide at McDonald's, and that's exactly where Number One is. She bought herself a new purse, wallet and shirt at Justice, then got some new toys for her Build-A-Bear collection at the mall, and was equally excited about all of it. She's so precious, and I can't believe she's TEN.
Last Saturday we had a party for her at Laser Quest, and I think I might have had more fun than anyone. It had been far too long since I'd played laser tag! We invited our next door neighbor, a little girl from church, and two of Number One's friends from school, and it was one of our best parties ever. I think I want to have MY birthday at Laser Quest next year!

Number One had requested a Camp Rock cake, and it turned out . . . not bad. The lake was a little runny, and I should have done the "Camp Rock" sign in white gel icing instead of red, but the girls thought it was great so that's all that mattered. I thought later I should have built a little cabin out of pretzel sticks and put it in the far corner, but at least it won't end up on Cake Wrecks.
Today is Labor Day, and so I'm laboring--trying to get to all those things I've not had time to do lately, like filing and bill-paying and cleaning the kitchen and laundry. I'm not sure how this can be considered a day off, but at least I didn't have to drive to the office!
1 comment:
Glad to get caught up with you.
So glad the girls have great teachers. :-)
Happy Birthday to your sweet girl! Love the cake! :-)
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