Six years ago today, Special arrived into this world two weeks early, screaming her fool head off. She hasn't stopped screaming since. But at least now, most of her screams are joyful ones.
They still hurt my ears. But I wouldn't trade them for anything.
Our family celebrates "birth week," a way of spreading out the birthday joy just a little bit, and Special's started yesterday with lunch at her favorite restaurant, Jason's Deli, with GrandBob & GrandMom:

(It wasn't really $182. But I imagine we'll be taking a trip to Build-a-Bear in the very near future.)
Then today she had cookie cake at school:

then soy cheese pizza, a visit from Aunt M and presents tonight at dinner:

(with her new Webkinz, a gift from Pop & Baba)
It's been a great birthday, although she said this morning she doesn't
feel six.
I can't believe she's six, either. Happy birthday, Sweet Chicken!
See all the birthday photos
(Also, if you're looking for a Christmas gift for that special someone, may I recommend
this book? It's guaranteed to be hilarious, and all proceeds go to