Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Greatest Show on Earth

Today was a really, really great day--work was good, I wore a new dress (Target, naturally, and got lots of compliments), the weather was amazing. GrandBob took the girls to the high school baseball game, and when I picked them up there he was giving them batting practice! He said they weren't bad at hitting it off the tee. S was so excited to see me she went under the netting instead of going around!

We stopped off at the library on the way home, where H picked up six new books and vowed to read at least one per day. Wonder where she gets it.

After bathtime, S demonstrated some of her gymnastics moves for me:

Tomorrow I'll try to remember to get a picture of H's new trick--we discovered Sunday that she's apparently double-jointed in her hip or leg or something, I don't know but it completely freaked me out when she bent her leg back and rested her heel on her hipbone. Of course I had to try it myself, and there's no amount of yoga in the world that could make me that flexible!
Such talent my girls have! Their flexibility will come in handy the next time I feel the need to stuff them in the trunk during a long drive . . .

Monday, February 26, 2007


The rodeo is in town! My company had a booth at the BBQ Cook-off this weekend and I was given a free pass, so I took the girls on Saturday. It was rainy and VERY windy when we got there, but cleared up and turned into a really nice day.

The girls enjoyed the brisket and beans, but it all just made me miss Corky's BBQ. In the carnival area, we rode one roller coaster that scared the wee-wee out of both of them (S's look of petrified glee was priceless) and then they rode the big swings which I couldn't even watch. I was sure S was going to fly right off . . . they said it was scary but they loved it!

While we were there, H had her first experience with a port-a-potty, and I'm now grateful for two things: (1) having that little bottle of Purell in my purse, and (2) that I remembered to holler through the door: "Don't wash your hands! That's not soap in the little sink!"

Thursday, February 22, 2007

It's the Hamlet of Diseases

Just got back from H's doctor: the antibiotic he prescribed a couple of days ago is working well, and he wants to see her again in six weeks. Apparently we all have a certain type of bacteria in our gut (which he said but did not spell and I'm not going to attempt it), and it never bothers most people. But in people with ulcerative colitis, it can run amok and mimic the same symptoms as the colitis, but can be gotten rid of with antibiotics.

Plus, she'd gained a pound this month, which is good news. I've been trying to fatten her up! I only wish that I could drink all the chocolate milkshakes I wanted, too. Ummmm, Chick-Fil-A milkshakes . . .

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Little Kicks

Here are pics of S cheering at today's Spirit Game at school. Sorry they're so grainy--it's hard to get a good shot in the gym!

She had a blast and got to be on top of the pyramid--granted, it was a pyramid of three, but still. That's good for a 5-year-old, I think.

H played in the Spirit Game--some sort of "Battleship" game using bowling pins and soccer balls--and parents got to join in. Sadly, I knocked over one of our own pins with my leg and she made me go stand on the sidelines with the other losers. I always did hate PE . . .

In other news, H has to go to the doctor again tomorrow to find out why her symptoms have been getting worse over the past week. Hopefully they'll be able to give us some answers--please pray for her!

Top of the Muffin TO YOU!

To all my friends and family: this blog's for you. We're so far apart geographically, but I want you to share in our daily life. I won't be posting every day, but I hope to use this blog to keep you updated and connected. I'm not using our real names for privacy purposes, but I don't think you'll have any trouble figuring out who's who!

Feel free to comment! Love to you all--